Corporate Office
1311 Buckingham Place
Richardson, Texas 75081
Guy New
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Mollie Ann Holt
Associate Director
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For over 20 years, an award-winning, author, writer, sole proprietor, corporate fundraiser, United States pageant judge (glitz and natural) circuits, Texas talent agent, corporate management. Former board member of the central Texas restaurant association, and editor of the newsletter in 1999. Former Texas radio station manager, of "Mollies Moments" business and entertainment show aired in 2013.

Currently, reside in Las Vegas, Nevada. I am a native Texan, lived half my life in Newport Beach, California. For 15 years I worked closely with general counsel and attorney, James Nasos Mancuso, Esq. in his California law practice. He was former Nevada State Bar president in the early 80's, as he represented the sports and entertainment world. At the same time, he served as general council for the telecom industry in 25 states and two countries. His expertise consisted of corporate and estate law, motion picture and television.

In 2013 as a Texas talent agent and former radio station manager, we filmed at KKVI 89.9FM the pre-production pilot for the movie "Silent Cries":Breaking Through C.H.D Awareness based on a true story. In 2019 the London film festival presented us with an award called, Winning Feature Lift-Off Sessions. It was a genuine blessing after six years of hard work.

"Remember, to keep perfecting your life recipe everyday, and add a spoonful of love in everything you do"! Author Ms. Mollie Ann Holt - click HERE to get her book.